

Introduction to Diabetes

 Patients with diabetes , also known as diabetes mellitus or sugar residual disease is a very dangerous disease if not detected and treated promptly. Diabetes causes than the carbohydrate metabolism disorders when the hormone insulin in the pancreas are missing or reduce the impact on the body to make blood sugar high that the patient can urinate, urine at night , thirsty ...
Statistics Diabetes
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According to statistics from the World Health Organization and the industry experts confirm Diabetes is now one of the major diseases is very high percentage, average 1 in every 100 patients. According to statistics from the World Health organization of diabetes in 2011, the world has about 366 million people infected excess sugar and 280 million people are in the stage of pre-diabetes, estimated 2030 children This number will increase to 552 million people in the infected and 398 million people in the pre-diabetes stage ... According to the published figures from the World Health Organization, Vietnam is the country with the percentage of people infected Excess sugar No. 10 world and a very fast-growing disease. According to statistics from the Ministry of Health in 2001 our country has about 2.7 /% patients but by 2010 this figure had increased to more than 6%, to 2012, the number of people infected excess sugar in water It was at number over 3.2 million people, these numbers are constantly increasing, according to industry experts estimate that by 2015, the proportion of patients in our country can reach 8 million people infected mold ...
Classification of Diabetes
According to the World Health Organization announced today Diabetes is divided into 3 categories:
- Type 1 diabetes (type 1): This is a disease can cause insulin secretion by the pancreas not. According to statistics, about 5-10% of the total number of patients with type 1 diabetes, occurs mostly in children and people under the age of 20
- Type 2 diabetes (type 2): Physical illness caused by decreased insulin secretion and insulin resistance. This type accounts for 90-95% of patients with diabetes, often at age 40, but recently appeared more at age 30, even young age.
- Gestational diabetes: Prevalence of diabetes during pregnancy accounts for 3-5% of all pregnancies, first detected during pregnancy
Early Signs of Diabetes
Most of the patients with incipient diabetic patients often have early signs of metabolic disorders in the body lines as:
- Feeling tired or sleepy after eating
- Addicted to junk food
- There is a weight problem: Overweight, obesity ...
- There are complications of the disease Hypertension
Causes of Diabetes
- Insulin is a hormone special cells of the pancreatic secretion, the effect of glucose into cells and plays an important role in regulating blood glucose.
- The pancreas is an organ located deep in the abdomen, behind the stomach.
- For patients with type 1 diabetes is the main cause of the disease is caused by the pancreas does not make enough insulin, or because cells do not use insulin, the body leading to insulin deficiency, increased blood sugar and diabetes.
- For patients with type 2 diabetes: is considered a chronic disease caused by the influence of the metabolism of sugar (glucose) in the body causes the body to make up 1 resistance to insulin.
- For gestational diabetes: this is the proportion of patients may at least in the diabetic group and was first detected during pregnancy and are more likely complications of type 2 diabetes.
Symptoms of Diabetes
Complications of diabetes
- Common symptoms of diabetes are: thirst constantly, frequent urination, especially at night, fatigue, malaise, weight loss, genital itching or recurrent vaginal yeast ...
- In patients with type 1 diabetes can appear more symptoms such as cramping, constipation, blurred vision, skin infections recur.
- In diabetes type 2 symptoms is difficult and almost impossible to be realized in the first years of disease, it can only be detected when the appearance of complications such as foot ulcers or eyes blurred ...
Complications of diabetes
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According to the World Health Organization, medical researchers and doctors can first identify sectors diabetes is a silent killer especially dangerous because the patient will encounter a lot of complications that have nails can rob life anytime as:
- Damage to peripheral nerves: coral leather, cracked, vacuum bottles, sores, swelling, ... easily lead to infection, necrosis, ulceration ...
- Reduced vision, cataracts, night blindness, blindness ...
- The risk of heart disease, stroke and blood fat, ...
- Complications of the gums caused by high blood sugar tooth decay, bad breath ...
- Can an infection in any part, typically as: dental, profit, skin infection caused by herpes, fungus, bladder, urinary tract infections, kidney ...
User treating diabetes
As a conclusion ill excess sugar, you do not to panic because diabetes is a disease but is not dangerous, but no treatment. Diabetes, if treated in a reasonable manner, the patients will soon be out and not have to worry about health problems later ...
As recommended by the researchers to disease specialist at the beginning of the industry to prevent and treat diabetes most effective you to combine a healthy lifestyle (diet supplement reasonable) a sport mode regularly to improve health associated with use of drugs or natural herbs are useful.
- For a healthy lifestyle, you need to ensure a reasonable diet to ensure your body enough protein, fat, starch, sugar, vitamins, minerals, water, do not increase or decrease the amount of sugar much later meals, not to change too fast on the structure and amount of food ...
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- For a sport mode regularly to improve your health measures Notes regular exercise, often with cross post to your favorite health
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- For treatment: With type 1 diabetes can the doctor recommends you use insulin (short acting insulin: Insulin include hydrochloride, emulsion-coated Insulin, Insulin average effect: Isophan Insulin, Lente Insulin, Insulin-acting: Insulin Protamin zinc, zinc-acting insulin). However, to ensure not affected by the side effects when used you need to make sure to listen to the guidance and direction of a physician.
For type 2 diabetes can doctors recommend the use of Sulfonyl urea derivatives were divided into 2 groups: Group 1: weak effects, including - Tolbutamid, Acetohexamid, Tolazamid, Clopropamid, Group 2: effects stronger, including - Glibenclamide, Glipizid, Gliclazide.
- Natural Herbal prevention and treatment of diabetes: type Besides the western medicines are highly effective herbs in medicine nor less competitive performance, researchers recently demonstrated that the herb has a great effect on human health, it helps to maintain glycemic index stable, reducing the risk of diabetes symptoms such as controlling weight problems reduce the risk of blood pressure disorders, cardiovascular ... Especially among them  lim green mushrooms bring a lot of good for diabetes such as body help improve digestive disorders, reduced blood cholesterol, reduce the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke ...

Mushrooms, green lim How effective against diabetes?

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According to scientific studies conclude mushroom fungus green lim lim capable of balancing the hormones through resilience damage cellular level of the endocrine glands, maintaining stable blood sugar in the allowable range, thereby lowering blood glucose, on the other hand lim mushrooms contain many nutrients help nourish improve health, strengthen the immune system, stimulates the normal functioning of the body's functions, thereby minimizing the risk, especially to avoid insulin resistance. Moreover, with the rare substance in green mushroom ganoderans lim, or proteoglucan, have a great effect during stimulation enhanced pancreatic insulin production to compensate in case of deficiency of this hormone, thereby preventing prevent the risk of diabetes.

Gastroparesis in people with diabetes

When the muscle layer in the stomach paralysis will lead to stomach operation is not complete. Depending on the level of paralysis, presence of food in the stomach longer than usual without kneading, crushing and moved to the small intestine. Food in the stomach too long, the fermentation occurs, creating a favorable environment for bacterial growth. Sometimes food agglomerated to form hard lumps of food, food hinder circulation to the intestines.
Signs of gastroparesis

The most common is the feeling of fullness, nausea, and vomiting. Nausea, vomiting, or appear after a meal. In cases of severe gastroparesis, vomiting can occur without regard to meals, because stagnant food in the stomach before. Food vomiting usually in the form of primitive operations because there is no food mill (other than the vomiting of food was crushed by other disorders).
Other symptoms include: pain bloating, no sooner (feeling full stomach when eating). In severe cases of paralysis, weight loss occurs, nutritional deficiencies due to lack of energy intake or diet unreasonable.

In diabetics control blood sugar is not good, long-term glucose increases will damage the nervous system, causing complications appear: feeling disorders, movement (due to neurological damage feeling Campaign or peripheral), gastroparesis (if damage the vagus nerve and in the stomach).
Gastroparesis affect the digestion of food from the stomach to the intestine. This causes blood sugar control more difficult. And so will do worse gastroparesis. In addition, a number of other reasons also cause gastroparesis as surgical damage the vagus nerve, using drugs reduce gastric activity or scleroderma ...

Diabetes brain atrophy

A new study shows that older people with pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes often have reduced brain size and intelligence capabilities quickly in just over two years, according to Science Daily.
A team led by Associate Professor Katherine Australia Samara under the Garvan Institute of Medical Research chair and noticed the aging brain easily lead to blood sugar even worse before they can diagnose the diabetes Road type 2.
Although reduced brain volume is normal process of aging, but experts have noticed elderly blood sugar instability and type 2 diabetes lose brain volume 2.5 times higher in 2 year compared with the same age. Reducing the size of frontal lobe greatly affect cognitive function and quality of life.
In the study, experts have compared magnetic resonance images of 312 subjects participated from the beginning to the end of two years of research. These people are between the ages of 70-90 and no dementia. At the start of the study, 41% of which were pre-diabetes and 13% had type 2 diabetes.
At the end of the study, the participants were divided into 4 groups: Persons with glucose stable, normal (group 1, with 102 people), people with prediabetes stable (group 2, 120), people have worsened glucose (group 3, 57) and type 2 diabetes from the first (group 4, 33).
Due to decreased bone density should people with diabetes prone to fractures and a place to stay, can lead to infection.
It progresses silently
Diabetes itself is not the culprit, but it contribute to early onset disease, heavier or faster progress.
If carpal tunnel syndrome, tarsal tunnel syndrome, the disease would tingling in the hands or feet.
The numbness increased when patients pendant arms and legs, bend the wrists, ankles for hours. This is the expression of a pinched nerve in the wrist area, ankles.
When the tendons in the palm fold thickening caused hands and fingers are shrinking, curl curled back like bird's foot injury due to the very small, discreet occur in people with diabetes with vascular complications available small.
The disease usually progresses silently, feeling at first difficult to stretch your fingers until completely fingers flexing and intense pain. Damage caused fibrosis and shrinkage can occur in the feet and can hang male genitals.
Other formats hurt finger springs. Patients can not be easily swung open finger once tried folded. When red swollen wrist, the patient was pain when doing normal things like wringing clothes, motorcycle or scooter screw holding heavy objects.
This is due to the thumb tendon inflammation. Bone mineral density of patients with diabetes is usually lower than the normal 20% - 30%. The bedridden due to fractures, especially hip fractures, if care is not well lead to a risk of ulcer infection leading to death.
Osteoarthritis Complications
Group osteoarthritis disease due to diabetes is very serious consequences, especially in patients over 10 years and have blood sugar levels are not controlled. Patients often do leg tendon retraction, displaced joints of the feet, numbness and bone and joint injuries.

Why does diabetes cause erectile dysfunction again?
Penile erections are maintained by the blood filling in the gaps in the corpus cavernosum of the arteries.
The stimulation of the nerve and gender in place will increase the status of a chemical secretion of nitric oxide from the nerves of the corpus cavernosum and intravascular cells.
This substance inhibits the sympathetic nervous system and stimulates the parasympathetic system to increase blood flow to the corpus cavernosum, and impedes the flow of blood back intravenously.
When it will increase the volume of the penis create hard erections and intercourse.
Patients with type 2 diabetes will greatly affect the status of penile erection patients for many reasons. Of these the most important is injury to the dorsal nerve of the penis, disorders of the nervous system of plants, vascular lesions of the large and small blood vessels in the patient's body.
Especially the blood vessels of the corpus cavernosum. Status diabetes reduces the response of the blood vessels in the corpus cavernosum and the elasticity of the smooth muscle of the penis friends with nitric oxide.
In addition, the mental disorder is more common in diabetic patients such as excitement, excessive anxiety, depression ... also very much influenced by penile erections.
There are many diabetic erectile dysfunction was not?
According to the statistics, the situation overseas erectile dysfunction accounts for about 20 - 71% of men with diabetes.
More hazardous when the experts found that people with diabetes or erectile dysfunction 3 times and this disorder worse than those without diabetes.
Erectile dysfunction in patients with diabetes occurs at a younger age, and even in the early stages of the disease.
Up to 56% of patients with diabetes, erectile dysfunction within the first 5 years of disease and there are many cases of erectile dysfunction are the first symptoms of diabetes.
When patients seek medical care at a clinic male faculty were tested on blood and urinary knows his diabetes.
One of the important risk factors of erectile dysfunction in diabetic patients is age. The older the more serious condition.
In younger patients with diabetes could be erectile dysfunction when using certain medications such as anti-hypertensive drugs, psychotropic drugs, anticonvulsants, hormonal drugs ...
In addition, there are other risk factors commonly found are: duration of diabetes as long as you are prone to erectile dysfunction, blood sugar control is not possible due to patients not treated or treated improperly specifications, patients smoking, alcoholism, depression or other illnesses associated.
Diagnosis is not easy?
Absolutely not easy at all, because the patients examined at the clinic and the hospital, due to environmental exposure too crowded so patients are afraid to say what they regarded as "strength and pride pride of man ".
Meanwhile, the Health staff did not really care about this, even so far as to it is irrelevant bullshit.
When suspected patients of erectile dysfunction, the physician and patient must have a frank conversation, which plays a very important role of the wife. They have been participating in the conversation as an important factor for the diagnosis.

Patients should be carefully examined, in addition to the testing of blood and urinary tract, the patient must be exploited history clearly. Because this disorder occurs in patients with diabetes slowly over time.