

In recent years, the experimental transplantation of insulin-producing cells for diabetes type I succeeded in some countries, especially in Australia. Treatments can help patients with diabetes type I no longer have to inject insulin daily.
Researchers in Australia have been gradually approaching method cure disease type I diabetes after successful transplantation of insulin-producing cells for 8 patients.
This breakthrough gives hope for the 140,000 Australians are dependent on daily insulin injections.
Currently, candidates for treatment trials in patients with unstable medical condition, your blood sugar levels often decrease dramatically without prognostic sign. However, according to Dr. Wayne Hawthorne, the team's goal is to apply this method of treatment for all patients with diabetes.
For patients with type I diabetes, a disorder of the immune system produces antibodies that destroy the insulin-producing cells of the body. After a course of treatment, which patients need insulin to control blood sugar levels will be significantly reduced, in some cases may be 0.


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