The American scientists have shown that a single protein dongvai central coordinating role in the development of diabetes.
The researchers at Stanford University found that proteincalcineurin is
the main factor affecting the function of beta cells, in fact baoco
functioning pancreas to produce insulin. In people with diabetes BIMAC the beta cells will not work according to its functionality dungchuc.
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Studies in mice have demonstrated that this single protein regulates 10 genes which were "guilty" by the disease.
Researchers wrote in the journal Nature has made daylen hope in finding
new treatments for canbenh diabetes, diseases that millions of people
around the world suffer.
In diabetes, the beta cells produce insulin xuatqua little or no
production of insulin, which made the crankcase body's cells can not
absorb glucose levels after meals.
So, sugar accumulates in the blood, damaging the blood vessels, kidneys and eyes.
Immunosuppressive drugs such drugs are the nguoidang underwent
transplant surgery using increased risk tieuduong very large and this
gave Stanford undergraduate school team must pay attention to
That's because the immunosuppressive drugs did inhibit the activity of calcineurin.
Protein production stopped
Scientists are investigating Stanford cuunhung mice fed in the womb so
that they produced in the pancreas racalcineurin until they are born.
After birth, the pancreas in each mouse stopped producing the protein.
After 12 weeks of age, the mice which were born voiluong normal beta cells have acquired diabetes at tramtrong.
The scientists found that giving the power cuts made calcineurin beta
cells do not increase the number of rats raised khicac while body mass
raised to all other required greater amounts of beta cells to keep blood
sugar stable.
The cut calcineurin reduces insulin levels generated by the existing beta cells.
Dr Jeremy Heit said: "This study and others lamchung I think about diabetes under the new cachhoan."
"Until now, people have found individual genes or processes related to diabetes.
"And the new findings demonstrate how research on diabetes previous
related research thanks to viecnghien same substance, substance like a
tuning thongthuong can adjust the amount of calcineurin."
Next, the team at Stanford University has "ignored" go calcineurin
protein by activating "companion" of it, goila NFAT (Naft Protein
coupled with other proteins or to finish daycac immune cells attack or
control them retreated to rest)
Beta cells lacking calcineurin but with cacprotein NFAT activity has
returned to normal, while doubling the number of caccon rats aged and
producing normal amounts of insulin.
Many avenues
The researchers said the drug has strengthened our ability calcineurin
and NFAT activity can be used lamthuoc new treatment for Type 2
diabetes, diseases of this type chocac beta cells do not produce enough
These drugs have the ability to limit the amount of NFAT calcineurinhay
can also be used to treat the disease which, if acquired, the beta
cells to produce too much insulin as duonghuyet reduce disease or some
other pancreatic tumors .
The treatment of isolated beta cells in type thuocco ability to
consolidate calcineurin could help baobeta cells divide, producing more
cells, supporting the phauthuat transplant.
And activating calcineurin could help the school make nhakhoa stem cells (spinal cord) thanhcac grow insulin-producing cells.
Dr. Scott Campbell, vice president of research of the Association
Diabetes in America, said: "This research has the potential nangtro a
major step forward in medicine. This is a step in the right huongva is a
major leap forward view important, but of course we have applied it to
the human body. "
Dr Angela Wilson, director of organizational research at Diabetes UK, said: "This is a study cuuthu you."
"The possibility of successful new drugs trongviec treatment of type 2
diabetes is a good news when Macan this disease is very common and the
number of people at risk of contracting this disease ngaycang high.
"However, this research is still at the stage of the original scheme
and was only detected in mice. We Hopefully this research will be
applied successfully to the people."
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