

Causes of diabetes

- Type 1 diabetes is caused by insulin deficiency. Because the pancreas does not produce enough insulin (insulin deficiency relative or absolute than the needs of the body) or because cells do not use insulin, causing hyperglycemia and diabetes.

The most commonly affected muscle cells and adipose tissue, the result of this process is called "insulin resistance". Insulin resistance is a major problem in type 2 diabetes Glucose is a simple sugar found in food. Glucose is the main nutrients provide energy to cells in the body to function. After eating, the food is digested in the stomach and intestines.

Once ingested, the glucose in food will be absorbed by the intestinal cells of the gut, then it is transported in the blood to the cells of the body. However, glucose can not enter the cells alone, but it must be due to insulin to take into cells. Without insulin, the cells use the energy from glucose, and so do the levels of glucose in the blood. How much glucose is released into the urine.
Insulin is a hormone special cells of the pancreas to secrete. It works to help bring glucose into the cells, and insulin plays an important role in regulating blood glucose. The pancreas is an organ located deep in the abdomen, behind the stomach.
After a meal, glucose levels in your blood. To cope with this increase, the pancreas secretes insulin will all help bring glucose into the cells and thus will make your blood sugar levels return to normal. When blood glucose is low, the pancreas will stop insulin secretion.
In normal people, with air conditioning system thus help control blood sugar levels. However, in patients with diabetes, insulin deficiency (type 1 diabetes) or excreted insufficient for the needs of the body (type 2 diabetes). Both causes are increased blood sugar levels.

These factors cause diabetes

The experts who can 2 diabetes, the most common form, accounting for 90% of all cases of diabetes are at risk of heart attack, blindness, kidney failure, damage costs increase if ... not treated appropriately.

Here are some factors related to diabetes to obscure.

Body type "apple": According to Diabetes UK (England), women with waist circumference of 80 cm and men with a waist measurement of 90 cm may be at risk for diabetes 2 increases. That means that those who are slim, but within 2 "oversized" or the visceral form "apple" at risk of diabetes than those who are overweight in other areas such as the buttocks or thighs. The reason is because the accumulation of fat around the organs in the abdomen may cause the substance insulin and glucose imbalance, causing disease.
Broken sleep: study by experts at the University of Boston (USA), who sleep less than 5 hours per day higher risk than double the 7-8 hours of sleep. The scientists said that lack of sleep disorders as biological clock, which is responsible for adjusting wake cycle - the body's natural sleep, increased levels of stress hormones cortisol and glucose causes imbalance in the body the.Buong eggs polycystic: this condition can lead to type 2 diabetes, but few people are aware of the risk that due to polycystic ovary related to insulin imbalance. Along with functions glycemic control, insulin also stimulates the ovaries produce too much hormone testosterone in women. When insulin levels started to increase and damage the ovaries and pancreas, the woman may have diabetes.

Snoring: People with disabilities heavy snoring risk of diabetes increased by 50%. That is the conclusion of scientists from Yale University (USA) draws upon monitoring blood glucose and blood pressure of 1,200 patients with sleep apnea syndrome. Increasingly severe disabilities, the risk of high blood pressure and greater susceptibility to men than women.
One of the main reasons lead to sleep apnea and type 2 diabetes are overweight. According to experts, the airway obstruction can be caused increased levels of the hormone cortisol, glucose increased boost.
Skip breakfast: The Australian recently discovered people often skip breakfast can be sudden hypoglycemia, making them sweet cravings. The cravings will relieve sudden rise in blood sugar and insulin stimulates the production of excessive, causing disease.
Work irregular hours: Studies of Harvard University (USA) showed that people who regularly make shift between day and night for a long time are at risk of diabetes increased by 50% to 2. The reason is that those working hours unstable arrhythmias leading to biological causes.

Diabetes - Causes and treatment
Diabetes is considered the "epidemic" in the developing countries, associated with many complications in organs such as the brain, kidneys, eyes, blood vessels and especially. The anticipated the danger signs of the disease will help proactively prevent complications.
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The cause of the disease is due to a lack of pancreatic hormones. This is a great digestive gland, not only functional pancreatic secretions to digest food in the intestine, but also excrete hormone insulin into the blood to regulate blood sugar levels and helps the body's cells use sugar. The lesions in the pancreas makes insulin secretion does not cause blood sugar result is higher and to the extent (the absorption of renal threshold), the excess sugar in the blood will be excreted in the urine cause diabetes.

The common symptoms of both type 2 diabetes often:
While diabetes, the body reduces or sometimes no longer able to use glucose for energy anymore. Therefore, the body must turn to fat, partially or completely, to generate energy. This process requires the body to use more energy and the end result is the patient will feel tired often.
Unexplained: Patients with diabetes can not handle the calories in the diet leads to weight loss even when eating enough food or even more. Loss of water and sugar in the urine is also a contributing factor in this weight loss.
weight Loss
Patients with diabetes have high blood sugar levels, which overwhelms the ability of the kidneys to retain the dialysis lines to form urine. A large amount of urine is formed when the kidneys are full of sugar. The body tries to counteract this phenomenon by sending a signal to the brain to dilute the blood by thirst, requires more into the body of water to dilute the concentration of blood glucose is high or normal levels and to compensate for water lost due to urination.
: Another way to help the body get rid of excess sugar is to excrete it in the urine. This phenomenon will cause the body to become dehydrated by the body to excrete it will carry a large amount of water to go under with it.
If the body is still capable, it will secrete more insulin to cope with the high sugar levels in the blood. Moreover, the body becomes resistant to insulin action in type 2 diabetes mellitus One function of insulin is to stimulate hunger. Thus, high levels of insulin in the body leads to increased hunger and appetite. Despite the increase in the amount of calories into the body, the patient can only very little weight or even lose weight.
eating more
Protein (protein) should reach 15-20% in the diet of patients .tieu road
Protein can be found in meat, fish, margarine, beans. Artwork.
: High sugar levels in the blood to prevent normal operation leukocytes (white blood cells that play an important role in the function of the body defend itself against bacteria and it also cleans the tissues and cells death). When leukemia unusual activity, wound healing becomes more and more frequent infections. In addition, diabetes extends also to the thickening of the blood vessels obstruct blood cells containing oxygen and nutrients to the tissues of the animal body.
Delayed wound healing
: Some symptoms of infection, such as genital yeast infections, skin infections, urinary tract infections due to immune system suppression by diabetes and by the presence of glucose in tissue (helps bacteria well). It is also an indication that there is a point of glycemic control in patients with diabetes.
: Manifestations such as anxiety, irritability, unprovoked, distraction, narcolepsy, or confusion can also be a sign of high blood glucose levels, diabetic ketoacidosis, the syndrome increased osmotic pressure, or hypoglycemia. Therefore, to see any of the above expression in patients with diabetes, need to call an emergency to get a doctor's intervention.
Changes in mental status
symptoms are nonspecific for diabetes but also often occurs when blood sugar levels rise.
Blurred vision:
Insulin (for typ1 format):
Based on the work, divided into 03 experts group:
Acting insulin: Insulin include hydrochloride, emulsions insulin-zinc
Intermediate-acting insulin: Insulin Isophan, Lente Insulin
Slow-acting insulin: Insulin Protamin zinc, zinc-acting insulin
Insulin is indicated for patients with diabetes under Typ1, it is only used for patients with type 2 diabetes when diet changes, exercise and drugs to treat diabetes and inefficient synthesis
Side Effects of Insulin: Allergies (after the first injection or multiple injections), lowering blood glucose (common when injected overdose), injection site reaction (itching, pain, injection site hardware) .Therefore mess fat metabolism at the injection site, tumor proliferation-prone fat fat reduction will cause hardening (hard injections, pain)
Medications for type 2 types:
Sulfonyl urea derivatives, divided into 02 groups:
Group 1: weak effects, including - Tolbutamid, Acetohexamid, Tolazamid, Clopropamid
Group 2 had a greater effect, including - Glibenclamide, Glipizid, Gliclazide
In addition, the product can be used to extract plant Tainsulin Gymnema sylvestre - Topical Studies Ministerial Dr. Tran Van, Chairman of Department of Plant Hanoi University of Pharmacy to aid in the prevention and diabetes treatment groups on the effects of hypoglycemia by preventing pancreatic cells produce glucagon and stimulate beta cells secrete insulin in yet
Side effects when used: lowering blood glucose, allergies, digestive disorders, hemolysis, agranulocytosis.
Diet and activity
Dietary diversity, multiple components. Food processing boiled form, is the main cook, not fried, roasted with fat. Limit fat, especially animal fat. Eat lean meats maximum amount allowed (10%).
Regular exercise increases levels of HDL (good cholesterol), increased energy consumption, reduce body weight in obese patients. During exercise also helps us increase the excitement, reduce disease pressure and work, limiting stress.
Exercise for diabetics:

Using many sugary foods can lead to diabetes risk. If you prefer sweet tastes, can be used to replace sugar diet often when eating sugar, cooking


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