![Dấu hiệu nhận biết bệnh tiểu đường - 1](http://anh.24h.com.vn/upload/2-2013/images/2013-06-08/1370664790-tieu-duong1.jpg)
Because of the absence of clinical symptoms mentioned above that after twice testing, blood sugar has increased over 7mmol / l or postprandial blood glucose or blood sugar was tested on any 11,1mmol / l still suffering diabetes. Therefore, people with high risk factors such as obesity, family history of diabetes, hypertension, age 40 ... should be early detection for timely intervention.
Thirsty and drink plenty of water (on 4l / day) in drinking plenty of urination syndrome that diabetes is just one of many reasons. So, can not rely on two symptoms to confirm that diabetes is to rely on symptoms and tests to confirm the diagnosis and differential diagnosis. By thirst and drinking plenty of water is also due to diarrhea, diabetes insipidus, mental illness, labor takes sweat or nerve damage in brain disorders regulate body water ...
Its hallmark of diabetes - 1
Eating too many sweets susceptible to diabetes
Eating too many sweets does not mean suffering from diabetes, if you eat high carbohydrate foods but restrict carbohydrates (rice, wheat) and maintain good operating mode is still not caught mellitus diabetes, even if you eat too many sweets combine to eat more carbs, the risk of diabetes is very high.
So far it is not clear relationship between the stress and the occurrence of diabetes. However, the direct effect of stress on people with diabetes, it has been acknowledged. Stress reduces the ability to track the disease, making the depression, eating disorders, alcohol even to the sorrow ... These behaviors not only make the situation worse glycemic control but also aggravate the other complications of the disease.
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