Why do people become obese, the risk susceptible to?
Obesity is the only state concept too much body fat area. Obesity can be divided into two major types are merely overweight and obesity have calculated next. In that obesity alone form the majority, the relevant factors are known to be hereditary, improper nutrition, sedentary habits.
Based on the cause of the disease can be divided obesity next taking
into categories are: obesity due to hypothalamic brain, obesity may lobe
(pituitary), obesity due to reduced thyroid function state, the adrenal
In this form of obesity in adult patients due to evidence synthesis and
decreased thyroid function, even in children may be due to the
influence of the hypothalamus of the brain (due to tumor, tumor).
So for a person suffering from obesity, it is important first to
consider the causes of obesity have calculated the next, then consider
the factors causing obesity alone, there are so new found exactly agent
for effective treatment.
Obesity not only affects the aesthetics but also cause many
inconveniences in life, the more dangerous is that it causes many
diseases, reduced life expectancy and costly treatment.
According to statistics, the incidence of obesity and heart disease,
cerebral vascular obstruction greater than 2 times the normal weight,
diseases such as myocardial infarction, hypertension ... are very
popular, Such longevity of these objects fell 4-8 years compared with
ordinary people, not to mention the cases of sudden death.
The obesity was reduced working capacity and endurance especially in
athletes, respiratory function, reproduction is limited, liver disease
or suffer from gallstones least, fatty liver ... and things particularly
susceptible to common endocrine disease, which is a common complication
of diabetes.
Obesity causes diabetes how
In humans, obesity exists a pathological state specific substance called insulin resistance.
After eating, a large amount of sugar is absorbed into the blood, the
blood through the circulatory services to all parts of the body. Thanks to the new road insulin enters the cell, are used by the body. The amount of glucose in the blood is maintained in a secure certain extent also by insulin.
The reason insulin can afford to take effect that it is first
associated with insulin receptors on the cell membrane, then led a
series of other signaling substances in the cell, providing information
"ó road "passed into the deep layers of cells. Metabolism occurs in the cell body to convert sugar into energy. Mechanism of transport and glucose metabolism in obese people have very limited because:
The number of insulin receptors on the cell membrane is reduced; the function of each individual receptor is impaired; the insulin receptor after activation, signaling functions deep inside the damaged cells; number of molecules decreased glucose transport;
hepatic metabolism of glucose into pure sugar for storage does not
guarantee ... For the reasons above, insulin-resistant material is
produced, the amount of glucose in the blood so it's hard to move into
the cell, this is the phenomenon of insulin resistance.
With obesity, early emerging fat, insulin production function was
normal but gradually due to insulin resistance increases, the
performance of this quality decline.
To overcome this phenomenon, the pancreas must work function leads to
excessive production of insulin in the pancreas decreases, while the
insulin in the body will not be sufficient to maintain the metabolism of
blood sugar at normal levels again . Therefore diabetes appear.
Minimize the complications of diabetes in obese people how
First, to prevent people should keep a reasonable weight. Rooms start from diabetes to prevent overweight and obesity.
To this should be the diet: high in fiber, vitamins (vegetables,
fruit), limiting fat and visceral eat animals, no junk food, fast food
rarely used, eat dinner at capacity volume. Advocacy, need daily exercise option health capabilities, but athletes should consume energy (body sweating). On the other hand, the protection of mental health as well as a stress factor causing obesity.
People who are overweight have regular health check, to not only
nutrition, appropriate exercise, but early detection of diseases such as
diabetes danger, heart disease, hypertension and treated promptly time. All these measures as liposuction fat reduction, drug designation must be strictly respected physician.
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