

Nutrition indiscriminate, irrational will increase the burden on the pancreas, eventually leading to pancreatic dysfunction, causing diabetes.
Dr. Kim Loan (E Hanoi Hospital) said, diabetes is a metabolic disorder causing hyperglycemia road chronic, leading to lipid metabolism, electrolyte protit and relative insulin deficiency or absolute of the pancreas. The disease causes serious complications in many viscera, especially the eyes, nerves, kidneys, heart and can be fatal if not treated promptly.

There are two possible disease: type 1 and type 2, but type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependent possible) accounts for about 90% and growing rapidly in our country, especially in urban areas. The cause was determined to be due to nutritional and lifestyle changes, sedentary workers, less physical activity and nutrition unreasonable.
In fact, in urban areas, due to hectic life, many people have the habit of using a lot of fast foods, refined foods, low in fiber, eat a lot of sweets, irregular meals, not stable in time and amount of food. This will increase the burden on the pancreas, eventually leading to pancreatic dysfunction, causing diabetes. Thus, 80% of people with type 2 diabetes are overweight.
Diabetes can lead to fat metabolism, mass lesions agencies and organizations, but first of all the serious complications of the eye (blindness), in the cardiovascular system (causing myocardial infarction ...), kidney (leading to the possibility of having regular dialysis) or neurological (nerve damage to the peripheral, cranial nerves and autonomic).
Two of the four key decisions effective treatment of diabetes is particularly interested in nutrition and pathology consistent with enhanced endurance athletes, in accordance with the conditions of health, to keep body weight at a reasonable level and prevent cardiovascular complications.
In particular, the diet, people with diabetes need to apply anti-obesity diet, use more vegetables, limiting the use of refined foods. In particular, need to eat enough calories weight, eat regularly, divided into smaller meals, not eating too full or too hungry, eat a combination of fiber and vitamin foods. Status is too big or too hungry will lead to hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia are dangerous state for diabetics.
A mistake often seen in patients with diabetes is hyperglycemia only fear that eating too little sugar and cover with fat, which can easily lead to atherosclerosis. A diet too low-carbohydrate - road will also lead to reduced tolerance to carbohydrates, that is easy to increase blood sugar.
People with diabetes can eat all the food that people eat is healthy, just make reasonable adjustments under the permissible level. The general rule is to reduce sugary foods, increased protein, vitamins, fruits as directed "diet for people with diabetes" at the health facility.
According to Dr. Ta Van Binh (Chairman of the diabetes education Vietnam): "Vietnam is not a country with a large proportion of diabetes in the world, but diabetes in Vietnam found the world's fastest growing ". According to Dr. Ta Van Binh is "not a staged disease, but diabetes acute complications, many patients with ulcer complications of coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular should be amputated limbs ... "
Subjects with diabetes often aged 30-65, but now has diabetes patients 9-10 years old only, this reflects the rejuvenation of this disease in our country.


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